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Dear Parents, Students and Community Leaders,

My vision for New Age Public Schools is to give all of our students a chance to rise – to learn and grow and pursue their dreams. That is what New Age Public School Change is all about – parents, teachers, principals, school staff and the community coming together to support our young people so they can achieve success in college, career and life.

I believe to my core that this city and this team of educators are changing the world for our kids. And we are doing it graduation rates are up.

College persistence rates are improving. Literacy, math, and science skills are strengthening. Our art, music and athletics programs are vibrant. As a community, we are generating energy and momentum for our students, from Kindergarten Canvass to the Promise Scholarship program.

We are making great strides, but we need to do more. I challenge this school district, our parents, and the community to join me in pushing harder for the kinds of changes that will empower our students and launch them toward bright futures.


Mrs. Khushboo Tyagi